Scalp Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM)

Esmaeel Fakharian, Afsaneh Gholipour Baboli


Background: We present a case of scalp arteriovenous malformation.

Case presentation: A 27-year-old man with a soft mass on his Rt. retroauricular region from few years ago presented with a 10*6 cm pulsatile, soft, compressible mass posterior to the ear. There is bruit over the mass, and powerful pulsation in occipital and superficial temporal arteries of the Rt. side. CT scan revealed a Rt. parieto-occipital scalp mass with normal intracranial content. There is indentation over the outer table in parieto-occipital region. CT Angiography demonstrated normal intracranial blood vessels, very large tortuous tuft of vessels in Rt. parieto-occipital region with huge feeder from Rt. occipital artery and large one from Rt. superficial temporal artery, there is also a small feeder from Lt. side. Cerebral Angiography showed normal intracranial content, huge high flow vascular anomaly in Rt. parieto-occipital region with a very large feeder, most probably occipital artery, from Rt. external carotid artery. Surgical management and post-op studies of the patients are going to be presented.

Conclusion: The AVM are rare tumor masses of the scalp for which surgical management should be considered.

 Keywords: Arteriovenous malformation (AVM); CT angiography; Management


Arteriovenous malformation (AVM); CT angiography; Management