Patients' Management after Neurosurgery and its' relationship to Educational Program

Mostafa Sharifkhah


Background: The study of educational programs and its' association with clinical outcome in patients after neurosurgery appear to be important. There is a link between different method of teaching and supporting with clinical outcome after neuo-surgery. The aim of this study was to examine the significance of education agenda in relation to patients' outcome after neurosurgery.

Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out at the Isfahan Neurosurgery Ward located at the Isfahan/Kashani Hospital. Study was performed on adult patients after neurosurgery due to different etiology.  Demographics, planned educational program and other necessary information were noted in d-Base. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS for windows.

Results: Previous publication reported that educational program after neuro-surgery could influence quantity and quality of life. In some patients medication awareness and social support needs education program. It is well established that pharmacotherapy-teaching techniques could diminish the stage of anxiety and sadness. To improve care in order to maximize treatment effectiveness after neuro-surgery, teaching supervision could provide precious final medical decision for neurosurgeons.

Conclusion: Our preliminary observation predicts that teaching program in patients after neuro-surgery could increase patients' awareness related to disease, its' progression, treatment and drugs adverse effects.


Education, Neurosurgery, Clinical outcome