Serum Homocysteine level in patients with Multiple Sclerosis

F Ashtari, Sh Salehi Abari, V ShayganNejad


Background: The etiology of multiple sclerosis (MS), a chronic demyelinative disease-is unknown. The damage of blood–brain barrier (BBB) vasculature is a characteristic of MS and Homocystein (Hcy) can damage BBB, then increase in total Hcy may be important in MS pathogenesis. The aim of this study was to compare the serum level of total Hcy in MS patients with control group.
Methods: In a case control study, serum level of total Hcy measured in 35 MS patient and compared with 30 healthy matched controls. All patients had definitive MS according to Poser criteria, without history of myocardial infarction, stroke, neuropathy, transient ischemic attack, homocystinuria or renal failure.
Results: The serum concentration of total homocystein was significantly higher in multiple sclerosis patients than healthy controls. The mean total Hcy level was 17.92± 6.9 mmol/lit in cases and 14.6±2.92 mmol/lit in controls (P=0.013).
Conclusion: Serum total Homocystein may have a role in MS pathogenesis and reduction of it should be studied moreover.
Key words: Multiple Sclerosis, Homocystein, Serum level

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