Impairment of lacrimal drainage after cataract surgery

Hamid Fesharaki, Hasan Razmjoo, Masoud Aghajani


BACKGROUND: Complaining of tearing was found in some of our patients after phacoemulsification surgery for senile cataract. Secondary acquired lacrimal drainage obstruction has been proposed to happen due to different causes. This study was performed at Feiz hospital in Isfahan, Iran from September to December of 2004 to evaluate the effects of phacoemulsification surgery on tear drainage in eyes with senile cataract. METHODS: This cohort study was performed on 110 patients with senile cataract who had phacoemulsification and posterior chamber lens (PCL) implantation surgery under topical anesthesia in one eye. Included patients had fluorescein disappearance and taste test duration of xxx; 5.5 minutes in both eyes before operation. Tear drainage function tests were repeated for one week and one month after surgery in both eyes and obtained data were compared. RESULTS: The incidence of lacrimal drainage impairment in eyes treated for senile cataract was 35% at one week and 20% at one month after phacoemulsification surgery. The mean taste test duration time was 3.84 ± 0.77 minutes before surgery, 7.30 ± 4.80 minutes at one week and 6.31 ± 4.42 minutes at one month after surgery (P < 0.001 and P < 0.001 respectively). No post operation tear drainage impairment was observed in the sound eyes of the patients. CONCLUSIONS: Impairment of lacrimal drainage can be predisposed by cataract surgery in eyes with senile cataract. KEY WORDS: Lacrimal drainage, cataract surgery, phacoemulsification


Lacrimal drainage, cataract surgery, phacoemulsification.

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