Harvesting fascia lata for brow suspension procedure via two small skin incisions

Ali Reza Zandi


BACKGROUND: In severe ptosis with poor levator function, a sling procedure for repair is needed. When a preserved fascia or a fasciotom is not available, the usual way to obtain this fascia is through a long skin incision on the thigh. In this research, we evaluated the technique of obtaining enough amount of fascia via two small skin incisions on the thigh.
METHODS: In a prospective study, 22 eyes from 14 patients with severe congenital ptosis that were required frontalis suspension procedures were included in the study. Two skin incisions, 1 cm in length and 10 cm apart were made on the lateral aspect of the thigh muscle. Via the first incision, the fascia was well dissected and decollated and via the second one, the distal end of the fascia was cut and the whole length of fascia was removed.
RESULTS: With this method, we were able to obtain enough amount of fascia with the least skin scar on the thigh. Prolonged follow up of these patients didn’t reveal any complication on the thigh along desirable lid high, favorable cosmetic outcome, and no notable exposure.
CONCLUSIONS: For severe congenital ptosis, harvesting fascia lata via two small skin incisions was a useful method with the least scar on the thigh.
KEY WORDS: Fascia lata, brow suspension procedures, sling.


Fascia lata, brow suspension procedures, sling.

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