Where does magnetic resonance imaging stand in the diagnosis of knee injuries?

Shirvan Rastegar, Mahdi Motififard, Amin Nemati, Naeime?Sadat Hosseini, Mohammad Ali Tahririan, Sayyed Alireza Rozati, Mahdi Sepiani, Mehdi Moezi


Background: The aim of this study was to determine the diagnostic value of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the diagnosis of knee injuries. Materials and Methods: Ninety?eight consecutive patients were enrolled in the study. In all patients, MRI and arthroscopy were performed and the results were compared. Results: MRI was most sensitive in the detection of medial meniscus injuries,and the highest specificity and negative predictive value (NPV) were found in the detection of posterior cruciate ligament injuries.Conclusion: MRI is a valuable tool, and according to its high NPV, normal MRI can prevent unnecessary arthroscopic interventions.

Key words: Cruciate ligaments, diagnostic value, knee injury, magnetic resonance imaging

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